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Pierre S. du Pont made ingenious use of gravity in his design of the Main Fountain Garden. But when he combined those techniques with mechanisms powered by electricity, he created something unique for a private estate in the early 20th century: the illuminated fountain garden. The Historic Pumphouse once thrummed with power, supplying electrical current to the illuminated fountains and to electric pumps in the Pump Room next door. Two air compressors provided the pressurized air that could boost jet height during the final moments of a fountain show. The air was stored in tanks under as much as 100 pounds of pressure. At the right time, an operator in the Control Tower would toggle a switch and air would be released through a line leading directly to the jet nozzle. The air compressors could boost the height of 20 different jets. Today, the height of every jet can be controlled by varying the speed of the pumps -- no air required.
Longwood Gardens
Kennett Square, PA